Represents an offer. An offer can either be connected to just an organizer or to a specific event.

Please note that the property names are the original ones from the model and might have different casing/format depending on the format they are represented in.
Name Description
ID Offer ID
Title Offer title
Price Pricing information
Info Short description
Url URL to the public web page describing the occation
ImageUrl URL of an image representing the offer
ImageCaption Caption with information regarding the image representing the offer
ExternalUrl External URL for more information about the offer
Organizer Information about the organizer
EventID Event ID if the offer is connected to an event
EventTitle Event title if the offer is connected to an event
ValidFrom Valid from date if the offer is not connected to an event
ValidTo Valid to date if the offer is not connected to an event
ValidTimespan The valid timespan as a string representation
Location The physical location the offer is connected to
LastModified Timestamp for when the offer was modified