Returns Events in the system according to filter parameters. CORS allows GET from all origins.

GET /api/events.{ext}?date={date}&area={area}&subarea={subarea}&room={room}&organizer={organizer}&highlighted={highlighted}&language={language} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/json, application/atom+xml, application/rss+xml, application/rss+xml+wp, text/calendar, text/plain, text/html

Request Information

Path Parameters

Name Description
date Date for selection. Can also be specified as "today", "tomorrow", "now" or "upcoming" for dynamic selection.
area Area name for selection
subarea Sub area name for selection. Can also be specified att "none" to exclude all events belonging to a sub area.
room Room name for selection
organizer Organizer ID or name for selection
highlighted Flag for selecting highlights
language ISO code for return language

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Collection of Event

Name Description
ID Event ID
Area The area (physical) where event is held
SubArea Optional sub area (physical or logical) for the event
Title Event title
Organizer Information about the organizer
SignInterpreted Flag for if the event is sign language interpreted
Highlighted Flag for if the event is highlighted (an event of special interest)
Production One of the possible enum values represention how the event is produced
Cancelled Flag for if the event has been cancelled
Recurring Flag for if the event is a recurring event (has more than one occation)
Language The language in which the event is beeing held
Type The event type for categorization
Location Information about the physical location
Occation The current occation
Price Pricing information
Intro Short intro/information text
Description Longer description of the event
ImageUrl URL of an image representing the event
ImageCaption Caption with information regarding the image representing the event
ExternalUrl External URL for more information about the event
TicketUrl URL for buying the ticket online
AllOccations All occations of an event (an event might occur one or more times)
Updated Flag for if the event information has been updated within the last 36 hours
ChangeInfo Internal information about the last change (if supplied)
ChangeTimestamp Timestamp for when the event was last marked as changed
LastModified Timestamp for when the event was modified, even if not marked as changed

Response Formats

application/json (.json) text/json
    "id": 1,
    "area": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "sample string 4",
      "fullName": "sample string 5",
      "color": "sample string 6",
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      "address": "sample string 8",
      "info": {
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      "price": "sample string 1",
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      "subAreaEventCount": 1,
      "subAreaOccationCount": 1,
      "days": [
          "date": "2025-02-27",
          "name": "torsdag 27 februari",
          "opens": "00:00:00",
          "closes": "00:00:00",
          "openTimeSpan": "00:00–00:00",
          "ticketOpens": "00:00:00",
          "ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
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          "priceInfo": "sample string 3",
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          "closes": "00:00:00",
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          "ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
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          "priceInfo": "sample string 3",
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      "streams": [
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          "name": "torsdag 27 februari",
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          "name": "torsdag 27 februari",
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          "closes": "00:00:00",
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      "occationCount": 1,
      "offerCount": 1
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    "highlighted": true,
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    "cancelled": true,
    "recurring": true,
    "language": {
      "code": "sample string 1",
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        "sv": "swedish string 2"
    "type": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": {
        "en": "english string 2",
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      "color": "sample string 3"
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      "name": "sample string 1",
      "isOnline": true,
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      "fullName": "sample string 1, sample string 4",
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        "sv": "swedish string 7"
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      "date": "2025-02-27",
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      "endTime": "00:00:00",
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        "url": "sample string 2",
        "source": 0
      "start": "21:44",
      "timeSpan": "idag 21:44–fre 28 feb 21:44",
      "url": {
        "en": "",
        "sv": ""
    "price": "sample string 6",
    "intro": {
      "en": "english string 7",
      "sv": "swedish string 7"
    "description": {
      "en": "english string 8",
      "sv": "swedish string 8"
    "imageUrl": "sample string 9",
    "imageCaption": "sample string 10",
    "externalUrl": "sample string 11",
    "ticketUrl": "sample string 12",
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        "dayID": 2,
        "date": "2025-02-27",
        "startTime": "00:00:00",
        "endTime": "00:00:00",
        "stream": {
          "name": "sample string 1",
          "url": "sample string 2",
          "source": 0
        "start": "21:44",
        "timeSpan": "idag 21:44–fre 28 feb 21:44",
        "url": {
          "en": "",
          "sv": ""
        "id": 1,
        "dayID": 2,
        "date": "2025-02-27",
        "startTime": "00:00:00",
        "endTime": "00:00:00",
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          "name": "sample string 1",
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          "source": 0
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        "timeSpan": "idag 21:44–fre 28 feb 21:44",
        "url": {
          "en": "",
          "sv": ""
    "updated": true,
    "changeInfo": "sample string 13",
    "changeTimestamp": "2025-02-27T21:44:41.7270317+01:00",
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application/atom+xml (.atom)
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application/rss+xml (.rss)
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text/calendar (.ics) text/plain; charset=utf-8 (.ics-text)
PRODID:-//Stockholm Pride//Event Calendar//X-X-X//SV
NAME:Event Name
DESCRIPTION:Programpunkter under Event Name
X-WR-CALDESC:Programpunkter under Event Name
UID:[email protected]
SUMMARY:sample string 2
DESCRIPTION:swedish string 7\n\nArrangör: sample string 2
LOCATION:sample string 1\, sample string 4\nsample string 3
CATEGORIES:swedish string 2,swedish string 2
UID:[email protected]
SUMMARY:sample string 2
DESCRIPTION:swedish string 7\n\nArrangör: sample string 2
LOCATION:sample string 1\, sample string 4\nsample string 3
CATEGORIES:swedish string 2,swedish string 2
text/plain; charset=utf-8 (.bbcode)
[b]00:00–00:00 [url=]sample string 2[/url][/b]
swedish string 7
swedish string 8
[i]Arrangör: sample string 2[/i]

[b]00:00–00:00 [url=]sample string 2[/url][/b]
swedish string 7
swedish string 8
[i]Arrangör: sample string 2[/i]

text/html (.qx1)
<div class="event-list">
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    <br />
    swedish string 7
    <a href="" target="_blank">sample string 2</a>
    <br />
    swedish string 7