Returns an Event based on the supplied occation ID.
GET /api/occations/{occation_id}.{ext}?language={language} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/json, application/atom+xml, application/rss+xml, application/rss+xml+wp, text/calendar, text/plain, text/html
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
occation_id | Occation ID for event to return | Integer | Required |
language | ISO code for return language | String | Default value is "sv" |
ext | String | None |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID | Event ID | Integer | None |
Area | The area (physical) where event is held | Area | None |
SubArea | Optional sub area (physical or logical) for the event | SubArea | None |
Title | Event title | String | None |
Organizer | Information about the organizer | Organizer | None |
SignInterpreted | Flag for if the event is sign language interpreted | Boolean | None |
Highlighted | Flag for if the event is highlighted (an event of special interest) | Boolean | None |
Production | One of the possible enum values represention how the event is produced | ProductionType | None |
Cancelled | Flag for if the event has been cancelled | Boolean | None |
Recurring | Flag for if the event is a recurring event (has more than one occation) | Boolean | None |
Language | The language in which the event is beeing held | EventLanguage | None |
Type | The event type for categorization | EventType | None |
Location | Information about the physical location | EventLocation | None |
Occation | The current occation | EventOccation | None |
Price | Pricing information | String | None |
Intro | Short intro/information text | Translatable | None |
Description | Longer description of the event | Translatable | None |
ImageUrl | URL of an image representing the event | String | None |
ImageCaption | Caption with information regarding the image representing the event | String | None |
ExternalUrl | External URL for more information about the event | String | None |
TicketUrl | URL for buying the ticket online | String | None |
AllOccations | All occations of an event (an event might occur one or more times) | Collection of EventOccation | None |
Updated | Flag for if the event information has been updated within the last 36 hours | Boolean | None |
ChangeInfo | Internal information about the last change (if supplied) | String | None |
ChangeTimestamp | Timestamp for when the event was last marked as changed | Date | None |
LastModified | Timestamp for when the event was modified, even if not marked as changed | Date | None |
application/json (.json)
"id": 1,
"area": {
"id": 3,
"name": "sample string 4",
"fullName": "sample string 5",
"color": "sample string 6",
"location": "sample string 7",
"address": "sample string 8",
"info": {
"en": "english string 9",
"sv": "swedish string 9"
"externalUrl": "sample string 10",
"eventCount": 1,
"occationCount": 1,
"price": "sample string 1",
"ticketUrl": "sample string 2",
"subAreaEventCount": 1,
"subAreaOccationCount": 1,
"days": [
"date": "2025-02-27",
"name": "torsdag 27 februari",
"opens": "00:00:00",
"closes": "00:00:00",
"openTimeSpan": "00:00–00:00",
"ticketOpens": "00:00:00",
"ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
"ticketOpenTimespan": "00:00–00:00",
"title": "sample string 2",
"priceInfo": "sample string 3",
"occationCount": 4
"date": "2025-02-27",
"name": "torsdag 27 februari",
"opens": "00:00:00",
"closes": "00:00:00",
"openTimeSpan": "00:00–00:00",
"ticketOpens": "00:00:00",
"ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
"ticketOpenTimespan": "00:00–00:00",
"title": "sample string 2",
"priceInfo": "sample string 3",
"occationCount": 4
"streams": [
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"subArea": {
"id": 1,
"name": "sample string 2",
"fullName": "sample string 3",
"color": "sample string 4",
"location": "sample string 5",
"address": "sample string 6",
"info": {
"en": "english string 7",
"sv": "swedish string 7"
"externalUrl": "sample string 8",
"eventCount": 1,
"occationCount": 1,
"days": [
"date": "2025-02-27",
"name": "torsdag 27 februari",
"opens": "00:00:00",
"closes": "00:00:00",
"openTimeSpan": "00:00–00:00",
"ticketOpens": "00:00:00",
"ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
"ticketOpenTimespan": "00:00–00:00",
"title": "sample string 2",
"priceInfo": "sample string 3",
"occationCount": 4
"date": "2025-02-27",
"name": "torsdag 27 februari",
"opens": "00:00:00",
"closes": "00:00:00",
"openTimeSpan": "00:00–00:00",
"ticketOpens": "00:00:00",
"ticketCloses": "00:00:00",
"ticketOpenTimespan": "00:00–00:00",
"title": "sample string 2",
"priceInfo": "sample string 3",
"occationCount": 4
"streams": [
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"title": "sample string 2",
"organizer": {
"id": 1,
"name": "sample string 2",
"info": {
"en": "english string 3",
"sv": "swedish string 3"
"externalUrl": "sample string 4",
"eventCount": 1,
"occationCount": 1,
"offerCount": 1
"signInterpreted": true,
"highlighted": true,
"production": 0,
"cancelled": true,
"recurring": true,
"language": {
"code": "sample string 1",
"name": {
"en": "english string 2",
"sv": "swedish string 2"
"type": {
"id": 1,
"name": {
"en": "english string 2",
"sv": "swedish string 2"
"color": "sample string 3"
"location": {
"name": "sample string 1",
"isOnline": true,
"address": "sample string 3",
"room": "sample string 4",
"fullName": "sample string 1, sample string 4",
"floor": "sample string 5",
"accessibilityInfo": {
"en": "english string 6",
"sv": "swedish string 6"
"roomAccessibilityInfo": {
"en": "english string 7",
"sv": "swedish string 7"
"publicTransportStation": "sample string 8"
"occation": {
"id": 1,
"dayID": 2,
"date": "2025-02-27",
"startTime": "00:00:00",
"endTime": "00:00:00",
"stream": {
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"start": "21:01",
"timeSpan": "idag 21:01–fre 28 feb 21:01",
"url": {
"en": "",
"sv": ""
"price": "sample string 6",
"intro": {
"en": "english string 7",
"sv": "swedish string 7"
"description": {
"en": "english string 8",
"sv": "swedish string 8"
"imageUrl": "sample string 9",
"imageCaption": "sample string 10",
"externalUrl": "sample string 11",
"ticketUrl": "sample string 12",
"allOccations": [
"id": 1,
"dayID": 2,
"date": "2025-02-27",
"startTime": "00:00:00",
"endTime": "00:00:00",
"stream": {
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"start": "21:01",
"timeSpan": "idag 21:01–fre 28 feb 21:01",
"url": {
"en": "",
"sv": ""
"id": 1,
"dayID": 2,
"date": "2025-02-27",
"startTime": "00:00:00",
"endTime": "00:00:00",
"stream": {
"name": "sample string 1",
"url": "sample string 2",
"source": 0
"start": "21:01",
"timeSpan": "idag 21:01–fre 28 feb 21:01",
"url": {
"en": "",
"sv": ""
"updated": true,
"changeInfo": "sample string 13",
"changeTimestamp": "2025-02-27T21:01:03.5534231+01:00",
"lastModified": "2025-02-27T21:01:03.5534231+01:00"
application/atom+xml (.atom)
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<subtitle type="text">Selected events from Stockholm Pride EM system</subtitle>
<title type="text">idag 21:01–fre 28 feb 21:01 sample string 2</title>
<summary type="text">swedish string 7</summary>
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<pride:areaName>sample string 5</pride:areaName>
<pride:eventChangedInfo>sample string 13</pride:eventChangedInfo>
<pride:eventTitle>sample string 2</pride:eventTitle>
<pride:locationAccessability>swedish string 6</pride:locationAccessability>
<pride:locationAddress>sample string 3</pride:locationAddress>
<pride:locationName>sample string 1</pride:locationName>
<pride:locationPublicTransportStation>sample string 8</pride:locationPublicTransportStation>
<pride:organizerName>sample string 2</pride:organizerName>
<pride:subAreaName>sample string 3</pride:subAreaName>
application/rss+xml (.rss)
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<description>Selected events from Stockholm Pride EM system</description>
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<pride:locationName>sample string 1</pride:locationName>
<pride:locationPublicTransportStation>sample string 8</pride:locationPublicTransportStation>
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application/rss+xml+wp (.rss-wp)
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<pride:subAreaName>sample string 3</pride:subAreaName>
text/calendar (.ics)
text/plain; charset=utf-8 (.ics-text)
PRODID:-//Stockholm Pride//Event Calendar//X-X-X//SV
NAME:Event Name
DESCRIPTION:Programpunkter under Event Name
X-WR-CALDESC:Programpunkter under Event Name
UID:[email protected]
SUMMARY:sample string 2
DESCRIPTION:swedish string 7\n\nArrangör: sample string 2
LOCATION:sample string 1\, sample string 4\nsample string 3
CATEGORIES:swedish string 2,swedish string 2
text/plain; charset=utf-8 (.bbcode)
[b]00:00–00:00 [url=]sample string 2[/url][/b]
swedish string 7
swedish string 8
[i]Arrangör: sample string 2[/i]
text/html (.qx1)
<div class="event-list">
<a href="" target="_blank">sample string 2</a>
<br />
swedish string 7